Monday, June 3, 2013

Day #3: No Joke

Day # 3 of my 30 day Smoothie & Raw Food Challenge

This is my rest day from my "NHS Couch to 5K" training for my first 5K. I did insanity work out this morning and realized that this is "no joke." I was extremely tired and I could not keep up, but I did not give up, I pushed through to the end of the 2nd day of insanity. I will continue to post my feelings on each workout as I progress and hope it will get easier. 

Insanity: Day #2 of insanity workout. 

New Discovery: New app to track distance, calories, etc run. Please check out runkeeper and download the 
Personal revelation: I don't have much upper body strength and I CANNOT do push ups.
Goal: My goal is to be able to effectively perform a push up at the end of my first 30 days of insanity workout. 

Breakfast: Strawberry, banana, pear Smoothie
1/2 banana
1 cup strawberry
1/2 pear
1 tbsp flaxseed
1 cup water

Additional Liquid: 2 cups detox tea

Snack #1: 3 1 oz almonds

Lunch: Kale, Avocado Green Goodness
1 cup kale
1/2 cup avocado
1 celery stalk
1/2 banana
1/2 cup coconut water
Ginger to taste
1 cup water
1 tbsp chia seed

Snack #2: 1 cup strawberry
Snack #3: 1 medium mango

Dinner: Grapefruit, banana, mango smoothie
1 cup mango
1 small grapefruit
1/2 banana
1/4 cup raspberries
1.5 cups water

Snack #4: 32 grapes

Note: I am not a fitness expert; I am just a person trying to live a healthier life by eating more fruits and vegetables and recording my experience.

I encourage everyone to check your allergies to specific food and consult with your physician before starting any exercise journey. 

Copyright H.E.R (Healthy Educated Rejuvenated) Coaching Services

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